How much money is enough?

A simple thought process that may just change your life.

Liz Smith
3 min readMar 25, 2021
Photo by averie woodard on Unsplash

In a society where ‘more is better,’ it’s not surprising that people don’t stop to ask themselves this very question.

Success is often measured by how much money people have, by the car they drive, or the house they live in, or the latest tech gadget they hold in their hands. People inevitably keep working away their life chasing the money.

But does this make us happier? Studies say no.

Chasing for more makes us miserable. Research shows that making an annual figure of $75,000 ($107,000 NZD) has a positive impact of day to day happiness and life satisfaction, but beyond this figure, each additional dollar adds a little less to your life.

The best way to tackle this question is to ask — How much money is enough for me?

Start by asking yourself, ‘What life do I want to live?’ It’s much easier to figure out how much money is enough when you know the answer to this question. This will look different for everyone, be honest with yourself and your answer, but be sure to remember ‘more makes us miserable, so don’t be fooled into that Lamborghini for happiness.

If your answer means getting out of the rat race and ditching the 9–5 grind, then what you’ll need next…

