Find Your Life Path Between 5AM–7 AM

A morning routine to avoid repeating the past

Liz Smith
2 min readAug 12, 2024
Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

Monday Mail // Entry 3//12 August 2024

How do you find your true path?

That’s a big question right there. One that many of us struggle with.

There are self-help books and go-to articles, but honestly, sometimes figuring out life feels more like stumbling around in the dark until you accidentally trip over something that feels right.

I want to take you back to my life a year ago. I’d wake up as late as I possibly could push it, pour a coffee, and go about my day feeling, well, foggy.

I was lacking focus.

Around this time, I watched a video explaining how early mornings can be used to shape the life path you want.

It was impactful.

I’d always say to my kids “Nothing changes if nothing changes” but I wasn’t walking the talk.

I knew I could use my time better. This was my chance to pursue something important to me. An undistracted two hours of dedication to who I wanted to become.

I set my alarm for 5 AM.

What happens at 5 AM — 7 AM?

Your mind is fresh and focused.

You are free from distractions.

The world is quiet.

You are provided with a fresh canvas in which you have the chance to start your day with intention.

This a good time to do deep work on something that truly matters to you.

But how do you find what truly matters? Well, it’s about trying different interests and activities to see what resonates with you. Start pursuing that dream you’ve always had. Additionally, reflect on past experiences to identify moments when you felt most fulfilled — these can offer valuable clues about what truly drives you.

Trust your gut feelings. If something feels right, it probably is.

Work towards that.

The take-home message

You can transform your life between 5 and 7 AM. This quiet time is perfect for honing in on what truly matters and aligning your actions with the life you want to create. Try it. Commit to this routine for one week, and you’ll see the difference. When you’re working on something that genuinely excites you, you’ll find yourself entering a flow state where time seems to disappear. Those two hours will feel like minutes, but the impact on your life will be profound.

“If it’s to be, it’s up to me” ~ William H. Johnson

Stay curious,

